With those users in mind, here are over 20 top free apps to get the most out of the Windows Mobile operating system.
Death Drive - Who doesn’t love a little vehicular combat? Death Drive brings Carmageddon like combat to your Windows Mobile powered device.
Kevtris - What is mobile gaming without at least one version of Tetris?
Pocket Heroes - Pocket Heroes is a Heroes of Might and Magic game clone for Pocket PC. It may be a bit simple for some, but still a lot of fun.
Realms - A space based shooting game that might remind you a bit of the old Asteroids arcade game, but only in concept. Multiple ships to choose from and numerous levels to explore.
Internet Tolls
Fring - Fring brings their instant messaging services to more than just the iPhone and iPod Touch with a Windows Mobile version. Allows you to instant message with AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, SIP, Skype, Twitter and Yahoo.
Opera Mobile - The popular Opera browser comes to the mobile format with a full set of features.
Slick - Allows you to instant message with AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, Jabber, MSN and Yahoo. Also has text messaging, emoticons, message history and more.
TwitToday - A plugin for your Today screen that allows you to post to your Twitter account.
Web Viewer - Web Viewer is an expansion to the web browsing ability with a tabbed browser that allows you to save open tabs and more.
Media Players
MPlayer for Windows Mobile - Part of the MPlayer suite for Linux, MPlayer for Windows Mobile will let you play Flash videos as well as videos in the RV40, RV30, R20, sipro, cook and atrac codecs.
RealPlayer - An official mobile release for the famous Real One Player.
The Core Pocket Media Player - TCPMP, as it is known, supports a dizzying array of video and audio formats from DivX to Ogg Vorbis.
YouTubePlayer - Just as the name implies, YouTubePlayer lets you to search YouTube for videos and then plays them in their native FLV format.
Call Firewall - Call Firewall does exactly what you would think it might in that it helps you create blacklists and whitelists for your Windows Mobile powered cell phone. One of the coolest features is that it will send an SMS to a blocked call telling them why they were blocked.
iDialer - iDialer, pictured above, gives you a new dialing interface that feels similar to another popular phone’s dialing system. It does offer compatibility with popular Internet phone services such as Grand Central and JaJah.
Skype - The well known Skype service is available for Windows Mobile, enabling you to make Skype calls from your mobile, saving you a lot of money on calls.
CapSure - You can capture your screen in BMP, GIF, JPG or PNG and then add captions, obscure sensitive information and more.
Dashwire - Allows you to sync your phone at all times including pictures, files, contacts, messages and more. Cool feature that lets you see texts on your computer as they arrive at your phone.
GSync - As you can probably guess by the name, GSync allows you to synchronize your Google Calendar with your Windows Mobile powered phone. The app is available in Dutch, English and Italian.
iContact - iContact changes your contact interface to more of an iPhone style system that allows you to browse through your contacts with just a flick of your finger.
Pocket RAR - An official version of the RAR archive manager that you can use on your mobile device.
SoftKey Manager - This app allows you to edit the soft keys on your Today screen.
What are some of your favorite Windows Mobile applications? Let us know in the comments!
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